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INYE March 2022 Important Update

Dearest INYE community,

When all is silent within, being able to sit and observe the rhythm of life, nature, and the world, while being vibrantly aware at the same time, that is the natural state of a yogi. It is in this effervescent state that we can examine our own actions and thought processes transacting with our surroundings, and shed any unconscious acts or thoughts which no longer serve. Some might call this process meditation or introspection, many have known this as Yoga. Many events happened in the past two years, and many are still on-going. Even though at times some wish time itself would stay still, or even turn back, reality only moves in one direction, and that is forward. This is not unlike when I left the movie production industry 5 years ago with serious health concerns, without knowing what my next step was. All I knew was the old way no longer served, and I must break free of my comfort zone to discover what does. When all was silent, I paid attention to all layers of myself, and took a leap of faith into the subtle realms of Yoga & Hypnotherapy. Maybe you are at a crossroad, or anxious at the road chosen. Take a moment and turn inward, do all four aspects of you: physical, mental, energetic, and your humanity (consciousness) support the decision? When you look back before your last breath, not caring what others might have said, which you have no control over, would you be glad to have taken the step? During the past two years, INYE has embraced this devoted yoga community fully and provided a sacred space for every practitioner. From each challenge we gave birth to solutions, including a vibrant virtual community; a huge Media Library; a highly informative and functional website, and a community Q&A section. Starting in April, we are launching two new exciting 30 minute classes (virtual & in-studio) to start, for people returning to office and bringing deep body stretch & mental focus to the middle & end of the work day. If you also like to involve the wellness of your company and team and join in the classes, more details will be announced very soon! After lifted the vaccine proof on March 1st, on March 21st (Monday), the indoor mask policy will also become optional. Please respect each individual’s choice, ultimately we are all in this together as one.

The ability to drop-in has resumed! The students are still encouraged to register through Mindbody ahead of time up to 21 days. If you do not have a INYE fob yet (right photo), or have misplaced yours, you can obtain a new one from our receptionist!

When you arrive at the studio, please check in with the frontdesk. Simply wave the fob by the scanner (left photo) to sign in to the practice, thank you!

Together with our professional LIVE Virtual Interactive platform, Inye continues to serve this dedicated community wherever you are!

Thank you for being part of this evolving yoga community. All blessings to you,


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